
FreedyMinigameMaker2 is a script-type minigame creation plugin.
Executing a command is the basic principle.

on move
    print "You moved!"

It works this way.

on move {
    print("You moved!")

All source code above and below works fine.
This code sends a message when the player moves.

Here print is called command.
And move in on move is called event.
Commands within curly braces, or commands under events, are called ‘bundles’.
And these are collectively called ‘source code’, ‘code’, and ‘syntax’.

move is an event that executes the code below when it is moved.
print is a command to send the next message to the player.
{ } ( ) The parentheses and curly braces mark the end of the sentence.
"" '' Quotation marks are used to separate non-command message characters.

Minigames and commands

I’ll call the ‘mini-game’ a ‘game’.
There is a hub game, a game that automatically joins when you enter the server.
You cannot exit this game other than by exiting the server.
To join a non-hub game, you must not be in a non-hub game.

/fmg create <game name> Creates a game. Game names must not contain illegal characters. Spaces are allowed.

/fmg delete <game name> Deletes a game.

/fmg reload [gamename] Reloads all games or specific game files.

/fmg join <game name> Join the game.

/fmg quit <game name> Leaves the game.

Save the /fmg save variable.

/fmg game List the existing games.

/fmg do <bundle name> Run the bundle in the hub game.

Run the /fmg run <command> command.



When a player enters the server

name Category Description
joinMessage data Admissions message


When a player leaves the server

name Category Description
leftMessage data exit message

Pre-game join

Before the player enters the game

Game join

When a player enters the game

Pre game left

before a player leaves the game

Game left

When a player leaves the game

Pre game stop

Before the minigame is disabled because there are no players

Game stop

When the minigame is disabled because there are no players


when the player interacts

name Category Description
interactAction data Click Type
interactHand data hand type
interactBlockFace data block direction
interactBlock block Clicked Block
interactItem item Clicked Item


when the player moves

name Category Description
moveFrom Location Previous location
moveTo Location Next location


when the player chats

name Category Description
chat data chat message


When the player executes a command

name Category Description
command data command entered

Inventory click

When the player clicks on the inventory

name Category Description
inventoryClicked inventory Clicked Inventory
inventoryHotBar data Hot Bar 9 Slot
inventoryCursor item items in hand
inventoryCurrentItem item Items in Inventory
inventoryAction data Click Type
inventoryClick data Click Type 2
inventoryRawSlot data slot location
inventorySlotType data Types of slots
inventorySlot data slot position 2

Inventory drag

When the player drags the inventory

name Category Description
inventoryDrag inventory dragged inventory
inventorySlots list dragged slots
inventoryRawSlots list dragged slots 2
inventoryDragItems list Stuck Item Slots
inventoryDragItem_ item Items placed in a specific slot
inventoryCursor item Cursor Item
inventoryOldCursor item Previous Cursor Item
inventoryDragType data drag type

Inventory close

When a player closes their inventory

name Category Description
inventoryClosed inventory Closed Inventory


When a player attacks an entity

name Category Description
damage data Damage figures
damageCause data Damage Cause
damageFinal data final calculated figure
entityUuid data Entity UUID


When a player takes damage from an entity

name Category Description
damage data Damage figures
damageCause data Damage Cause
damageFinal data final calculated figure
attackerUuid data Player UUID

Player damage

When a player takes damage

name Category Description
damage data Damage figures
damageCause data Damage Cause
damageFinal data final calculated figure

Drop item

When a player drops an item

name Category Description
dropItem item Dropped Items


when the player teleports

name Category Description
teleportFrom Location Previous location
teleportTo Location Next location

Swap hand

When the player switches right and left hands with the F key

name Category Description
mainHandItem item right hand item
offHandItem item left hand items

block break

When a player breaks a block

name Category Description
blockBreak block crushed blocks

Block place

When the player places blocks

name Category Description
blockPlace block installed blocks

Player respawn

when the player respawns

name Category Description
respawnLocation Location Respawn Location


data modifier

// This is a modifier to express where data is stored.  
//all is per file and stored permanently  
//game is a game unit and is destroyed when the game is deactivated  
//player is per player and is destroyed when the player leaves  
//Most of them have this meaning, but the modifier all of the target has the meaning of checking all  

Math Operations

cos 5 //print the trigonometric cosine of the angle
sin 5 //print the trigonometric sine of the angle
tan 5 //print the trigonometric tangent of the angle
(1+1) // Output the sum of two values
(1-1) // Output the value obtained by subtracting two values
(1*1) // Outputs the multiplied value of two values
(1/1) // Output the value obtained by dividing two values
(1%1) // Output the remainder of dividing two values
//If you want to count more than 2, you need to do something like ((1+1)+1)


aliases: [ data, var ]

data(some) //print some data
set data(some, Hello) //set some data


add list(play, Hello) // add a message to the list
set list(play, 0, Hello) // set message 0 to a certain list
clear list(play) // clear the list
size list(play) // print the number of messages in the list
contains list(play, Hello) // Prints whether there is a message in the list
remove list(play, Hello) // Remove the message from the list
shuffle list(play) //shuffle the list
clone list(play) //Clone the list


create location(spawn, world, 0, 0, 0) //save the x-coordinate 0, y-coordinate 0, z-coordinate 0 location in the world world
create location(spawn, world, 0, 0, 0, 90, 0) //save the x-coordinate 0, y-coordinate 0, z-coordinate 0, yaw 90, pitch 0 location in the world world
set posX location(spawn, 10) //set the X coordinate of the location
set posY location(spawn, 10) // Set the Y coordinate of the location
set posZ location(spawn, 10) // Set the Z coordinate of the location
set posYaw location(spawn, 10) //set the yaw of the location
set posPitch location(spawn, 10) //set the pitch of the location
clone location(player, spawn) // clone the location to another location
add location(spawn, 0, 10, 0) //Add x-coordinate 0, y-coordinate 10, z-coordinate 0 to the location
remove location(spawn) //remove location
exists location(spawn) // Prints whether the location exists
equals location(spawn, player) //prints whether two locations are equal to each other
contains location(spawn, pos_A, pos_B) // Prints if the location is within the rectangle of both locations
get block(spawn, player blockName) // Save the block at the location


set block(blockName, spawnPoint) // Save the block location
remove block(blockName) // delete the block
get location block(blockName, spawnPoint) // Save the block location
set block(blockName, code 5, 1) //set the block code to 5:1 (spruce plank)
code block(blockName) //print the block code


set item(itemName, code 35:5) //Save the code 35:5 (light green wool) item
lore add item(itemName, "item description") //add a lore to the item
lore set item(itemName, 0, "item description") //set the lore on the item
name set item(itemName, "item name") // set the item's display name
exists item(itemName) // Prints whether the item exists
code item(itemName) //Print the item code
equals item(itemName, targetItem)
size item(itemName) // print the number of items
size set item(itemName) //set the number of items


create inventory(menu_1, 54, "menu title")
create inventory(menu_1, HOPPER, "menu title") // Create an inventory of type
set inventory(menu_1, 0, itemName) // Set the item in the number of columns in the inventory
add inventory(menu_1, player itemname ) // Add an item to the inventory
open inventory(menu_1) // Open the inventory to the player
size inventory(menu_1) // Prints the number of items in the inventory
equals inventory(menu_1, player) // Prints whether the two inventories are equal to each other
exists inventory(menu_1) // Outputs whether the inventory exists
clear inventory(menu_1) //Delete all items in the inventory
clone inventory(menu_1, player) // Clone the inventory to another inventory
remove inventory(menu_1) //Delete inventory
close inventory // close the player's inventory
get item inventory(player, hotbar, testItem) // Store the slot of the item the player is holding in the item
// Google InventoryType <server version> spigot to find all inventory types


name target(Notch) set helath 20 //run the following command with the player with any name
target(player uuid) set food 20 //run the following command with the player with UUID
all target(player play) { //Find players in a list of player names or player UUIDs and execute the following command once for all
    add food -1
get list target(player testList, eachMessage) {
    print game data(eachMessage) // Execute the following command once every message in the list

Send message

aliases: [ send, sendmessage, message, msg, print, say, sendmsg ]

print Hello // send a message to the player
game print Hello // Send a message to all players participating in the game
all print Hello // Send a message to all players participating in the server


aliases: broadcast, broadcastmessage, announce

broadcast Hello // Send a message to all servers


aliases: sendactionbar, actionbar

actionbar Hello // send action bar message to player
game actionbar Hello // Sends an action bar message to all players participating in the game
all actionbar Hello // Sends an action bar message to all players participating in the server


create bossbar(testBossBar, WHITE) //Create a bossbar in a certain color
open bossbar(testBossBar) //Opens the bossbar to the player
close bossbar(testBossBar) //Closes the player's bossbar
remove bossbar(testBossBar) //Remove bossbar
set size bossbar(testBossBar, 1) //Set the process bar of the boss bar to a number from 0 to 1
set type bossbar(testBossBar, SOLID) //Set the style for the bossbar
set color bossbar(testBossBar, WHITE) //Set the color of the bossbar
exists bossbar (testBossBar) // Prints whether the boss bar exists
// Possible styles: SOLID, 6, 10, 12, 20 or not


food //print the player's hunger level
set food 20 //set the player's hunger
add food 1 //Increase or decrease the player's hunger


health //print the player's health
set health 20 //set the player's health
add health 20 //Increase or decrease the player's health


gamemode // output the player's game mode
set gamemode //set the player's gamemode


player name // print the player's name
set player name testName //Set the player's display name
set name tesetName //set the player's tab list display name
game name // print the name of the game


permission(op) // print whether the player has ops
// Print whether the player has node privileges


title(0, 50, 0, "title", "subtitle")
//Send the title and subtitle to the player, fade in 0, duration 50, fade out 0


sound("minecraft:block.note.snare", 1, 1)
//Play a sound to the player at volume 1 and pitch 1

sound("minecraft:block.note.snare", -1, 1)
// Tell the player to cancel the change of the sound according to the position and play the sound at pitch 1


particle(player, FLAME, 10, true) //Summons 10 particle effects in a stationary state
particle(player, FLAME, 10) // Summon 10 particle effects at location
// Google Particle <server version> spigot to find all particle effects


add potion(GLOWING, 55555, 0) //Add potion effect of level 1 for the duration (Potion level 1 is 0)
remove potion(GLOWING) //remove the potion effect
clear potion // Removes all potion effects
// Type PottionEffectType <server version> spigot on Google to find all potions


get hotbar //print the player's hotbar slot
set hotbar //set the player's hotbar slot


aliases: [ sneaking, sneak ]

sneaking //prints whether the player is crouching


set velocity(0, 10, 0) // Set the momentum by 10 Y coordinates
add velocity(0, 10, 0) // add momentum by 10 Y coordinates


player uuid //print the player's unique UUID
get random uuid //print a random UUID


timings print Hello //Print the execution time of the next command in milliseconds


aliases: millisec, millisecond, milliseconds

millisec //prints the millisecond timer that started at midnight January 1, 1970


random(0, 100) // Outputs a random number with decimals from 0 to 100


log hello // send a message to the console window


length Hello //print the length of the message


int 3.14 // Rounds down to remove the decimal point


split("1,2,3", ",", listName)
// Split the first message into the second message and store it in the list


join testGame // join the player to the game


left // Removes the player from the game the player is playing


do start //start Executes the command bundle


return false //pass the message to the bundle or event and abort the command
// For example, if executed in the interact event, the interaction is canceled


refs(testGame, bundleName)
// Execute the game's command bundle as the running game


async print hello // execute the command asynchronously
//Async is executed outside the server's action flow, so if the command execution time is long, use async
// But the asynchronous execution does not flow with other normal executions, so
// It is recommended not to share data


delay(20) print hello // After a few ticks, execute the following statement and print the execution code (20 ticks is 1 second)

async delay(20) print hello
//After a few ticks, the following statement is executed asynchronously and the execution code is output.


taskId //If the code to be executed has been executed with the Delay command, output the executable code


cancel (execution code) // Cancel the statement waiting to be executed


player execute command // Let the player execute the command
execute command // Execute a command in the console


if ("first value" = "second value")
    print "true"

A conditional statement is a ‘statement’ in which ‘code’ is executed according to a condition.

if (value1 = value2) {
    // If true, it will be executed.
} else {
    // If false, it will be executed.

The = equal sign is called a logical operator'. == or = True when both values are equal. != or /= True if the two values are different. < True if the number on the left is less than the number on the right. > True if the left hand side is greater than the right hand side number. <= True if the number on the left is less than or equal to the number on the right. >=` True if the number on the left is greater than or equal to the number on the right.

if (Korea /= North Korea) {print "true."} else {print "false."}
* Output message when the above code is executed  
Oh yeah.  

The if command executes the next command when the condition is true.
The else command executes the next command when the condition is false.
In the above syntax, /= is true when the two values are different, so “true.” is output.
If the two values are equal, “False.” will be output because the two values are not different.

if("first value" = "second value")
    if("third value" = "fourth value")
        print The first and second values are the same, the third and fourth values are the same
if("First Value" = "Second Value" & "Third Value" = "Fourth Value")
    print The first and second values are the same, the third and fourth values are the same

The meaning of the source code above and below is the same.
Only true if the condition before or after & or && is true.
| or || is true only if any of the conditions before and after are true.


while (conditional statement) {
    // Code here will continue to run as long as the condition is true.
set data(i, 0)
while(data(i)<10) {
    print data(i) is running
    set data(i, data(i)+1)
for (initial execution statement, conditional statement, increment statement) {
    //execution statement

//execution flow chart:  
//0. initial execution statement  
//One. If the conditional statement is true, 2 is executed; otherwise, 5 is executed.  
//2. Execution statement  
//3. increase/decrease syntax  
//4. go to 1  
//5. Terminate the command.  
for (set data(i,0) | data(i)<10 | set data(i,data(i)+1)) {
    print data(i) is running